Prayer Journaling with Kids: Heartfelt and Hands-on

Prayer Journaling? With kids? Yesss. Tell me you’ve been there, Mama. You want to pray. You know you should. But it’s feeling dull or rote. Empty. How do we get back to that place where prayer is invigorating, inspiring, and powerful? How do our kids? It’s up to us to …

Mealtime Prayers for Families: Nourishing the Spirit

Dinner is the one time in our day we are all face to face with no disruptions. It’s our time to see each other clearly—our struggles, our triumphs, our hearts’ longings. We see them as we pray our most pressing needs of the day. And in the thanking for what touches us. We see each other more deeply as we open the tops of our heads and let each other peek in when we answer a question drawn out of a bowl.

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