Psalm 119 for Kids

Psalm 119 is known for its author’s love of God’s word and its big expression of emotions. It’s the longest Psalm—and the longest chapter in the whole Bible! Most impressive yet, it’s a poem!

In this post, we’ll embark on an exciting journey through Psalm 119, exploring its poetic nature and uncovering the big feelings it conveys. So, buckle up and get ready for an adventure into the world of heartfelt expressions!

Jonah’s Viny Cliffhanger: Teaching Kids Jonah Well

I love the Jonah story. Even more as an adult. So much that I preached a sermon series on it a couple years ago. It’s not just for kids.

It’s almost comical how much more I learn coming back to scriptures usually reserved for children. What’s not funny is how often this story (and many others) are dumbed-down for kids. They can handle more. Like the viny cliffhanger at the end of the Jonah story.

Divine Words, Unbreakable Bonds: 8 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Child

Praying both well and consistently can be tough.

I’ve been there. The success and failure comes and goes in waves. For a while my prayer will be on fire, then (I don’t even know when or how), it becomes boring. Rote. Dead.

When I see it floundering, it’s up to me to fix it. And praying the scriptures can inject new life.

Intergenerational Bible Study: Building Bridges and Nurturing Faith

Intergenerational living and learning is the historical norm. But in the past 200 years, we’ve gotten very segregated by age. Classrooms are same-age. Kids move away from mom and dad to young cities. Our seniors move into senior communities. We’re so segregated, it’s no wonder we have trouble incorporating our children into Sunday church services and home Bible studies.

But there are so many benefits to living and learning side-by-side with those whose age is nothing like ours. Some of the sweetest relationships, life lessons, and growth come from someone very much older or younger than ourselves.

And there is hope.

The Spiritual Growth Chart You Weren’t Given

Mama, we’re given growth charts for height, weight, and when they should be able to hop on one foot. Backwards. While spinning. And reciting the alphabet.

But where’s the chart for measuring children’s spiritual growth? What even are those markers of growth?

And if we’re raising spiritual powerhouses, aren’t those markers the most important?!

Look no further than our Spiritual Growth Chart for children.

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